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  • Our school curriculum is designed in line with the Kindergarten Education Curriculum Guide (KECG) prepared by the Curriculum Development Council. The school curriculum focuses on cultivating children's whole-person development and life-long learning attitude.


  • The curriculum is child-centred, based on children's abilities, experiences and interests, and is integrated with six learning domains. To cultivate students' balanced development of ethics, intellect, physique, social skills and aesthetics.


  • In line with children's abilities and learning interests, school and community resources are used to provide them with life-style and interesting teaching activities, outdoor visits and sensory exploration activities, so as to cultivate children's active learning attitude.


  • Our school also actively promotes a caring culture on campus, focusing on the implementation of moral education. Through free play and drama education, a learning atmosphere of caring, respect, tolerance, appreciation and harmony is created to help children develop positive values ​​and become responsible social citizens.


  • In addition, the use of picture book story teaching is based on the theme of caring, focusing on cultivating children's caring attitudes and teaching them positive moral messages.


  • Our school encourages children to participate in extra-curricular activities. There are extra-curricular interest classes including uniform team, rope skipping, jazz dancing, creative clay, Chinese painting and oil painting classes.